Victorian by ga 155 words for Sallie Rating: barely PG on the outside, warmer in the middle Spoilers/Disclaimer: no, not mine Category: MSR Summary: just a moment Note/Dedication: Sallie is a writer's dream fan as well as an all- around sweet person and great friend. We'd talked once or twice about her having a fic of her own, and when the first sentence or two below showed up at Starbuck's the other night, they sounded to me like a Sallie story. Most of the rest appeared on the train out to Rae and Tam's, the last phrase in their living room; I gave Sallie a handwritten copy because I saw her before I saw my computer again. Without meaning to, he'd begun to stroke her arm. They were talking of something inconsequential, standing too close as usual. Jacketless in warm weather, her rolled sleeves exposed enticing forearms nearly to the elbow; the temptation was simply too great. It wasn't as though he hadn't seen the whole package. He had. Not often, not yet, but often enough to have charted freckles and dimples and sweet little hot spots. Even so, he still had a positively Victorian thrill at the glimpse of an ankle or wrist. That wrist, under his fingers, so soft on the surface but with veins and ridges and pulse points underneath. It reminded him of the feel of stroking himself, something he still did embarrassingly often, thinking of her. She pretended to ignore him, continuing to put forth her well- reasoned, though inconsequential, argument. Determined to win her point as usual, even as the back of her neck turned liquid inside.