Title: Will There Come A Time (Xena) Author: salliejohns Rating: PG-13 Keywords: angst, implied relationship between two adult women Disclaimer: The characters of Xena and Gabrielle do not belong to me. If they did, Xena would not be dead. I won't make a penny from this, promise. Summary: Gabrielle alone, following Xena's death Author's notes: following the story ***************************************************** Will There Come A Time by salliejohns The nights had been the hardest. Days were spent wandering aimlessly from town to town. In the evening, Gabrielle sat for hours in the local inn, filling her journal with remembered stories of heroic battles and quiet moments. One day became the next, with days indistinguishable from those already passed or those yet to come. The sharp, relentless ache of loss was pushed to the edges of her conscious mind, leaving her brittle and broken. Sometimes she allowed herself the luxury of a half-smile, when she thought back to the days when they stood side by side, champions of justice, righting wrongs, fighting the good fight. It still pleased Gabrielle to recall a very different Xena, in the days they first began to travel together. Xena, a warrior princess with exceptional battle skills, owned a heart hardened by personal loss, blood lust and greed. "You saved me, Gabrielle," Xena had told her, and Gabrielle knew that it was true. It would have surprised Xena to learn how much she had given to Gabrielle in return. With Xena as protector, teacher, guide, Gabrielle traveled the world, lifted the downtrodden, learned of life and experienced love. In one another's arms, each found the ultimate joy and unconditional acceptance they had searched for all their lives. Xena, hardened and tempered by countless battles was inured to disappointment and pain, but Gabrielle, the idealist, was stung by harsh words hurled at them as a couple. She was confused and hurt, and ultimately angered that the exquisite love that she and Xena shared could never be sanctified by marriage. Even in Greece, where it was not uncommon for men to love other men, couples such as she and Xena could find no priest to bless their union. Reality was harsh and cold and unforgiving, even for heroes. Disappointed but undaunted, Xena and Gabrielle pledged their love to one another, for this lifetime and beyond. Beyond because The Fates had foretold that the two would spend eternity together. Though Xena and Gabrielle might die, in lifetime after lifetime their souls would find each other, would come together, would cleave to each other, always. Gabrielle believed what The Fates had promised. Hadn't it been proved again and again, after crucifixion, after entombment, they always returned to each other? Surely the proclamation of The Fates was true, but if so, why did she, Gabrielle, live while Xena's body, lay headless and decimated? Hadn't Xena's soul escaped to a place where she herself could not follow? The agony of being left alone crystallized at night into bright, hot points of pain that pricked at her heart, and rent her very soul. At the end of the day, rather than the comfort of reclining in Xena's strong arms, Gabrielle had only her memories to keep her company. Her brave-face gone, her tears unchecked, each night Gabrielle lay down alone, abandoned and defeated. Week after week passed, and finally Gabrielle was able to relax enough to sleep. In her dreams she was finally reunited with her beloved Xena. Pain of loss, anger and frustration welled up inside her and Gabrielle found herself accusing her soul mate rather than welcoming her. "You promised we'd be together Xena, you lied to me. The Fate misled us in the cruelest way." In dreams, Xena gathered her lover into her arms and pledged anew her eternal devotion and everlasting love. She tenderly kissed away each tear, and gave back strength. With renewed courage, Gabrielle would meet the new day. She would continue to battle injustice and hatred, until the day she and Xena would be reunited. Gabrielle would now look to the future, and anticipate a time of tolerance and acceptance, a time when men and women could choose to commit their lives to each other. She would wait for the day when she and Xena could stand together before the gods and man, proud and free. fin Author's notes: This story is my subtle (or not-so-) protest against the fact that TPTB have decided to spend money to fight same- sex unions when the economy is a mess, unemployment is rampant, people cannot afford health insurance, and terrorists are plotting ways to blow us to kingdom come. It is dedicated to my friends Mike and Mark, and to Logan and Charles, both wonderful, committed couples that I adore.