Title: Territorial Author: Deia Category: MSR, post-ep Rating: NC-17 Distribution: go ahead, just let me know Spoilers: Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose, Paper Clip Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any money from it Summary: "With much more confidence, Mulder walked out of his office with every intention of showing Queequeg his place." Dedicated to my dear friend Sallie. Happy birthday, Sweetheart! A.N. This story was written for Fandomonium's Virtual Season of Smut (Season Three). Char, thank you so much for all your help. It was a pleasure having you as my beta. Vi, I don't know if I can write without you reading 'over my shoulders' anymore. Thank you for being there for me every step of the way. Territorial Mulder threw the coin up for the thousandth time that night, watching it flip in the air again and again while his mind raced through the events of the past few days. A simple coin could make the difference between life and death. Any action, any decision had the power to change the future. He couldn't help but think that Bruckman had seen more than he said about Mulder's confrontation with the killer. Something in his face maybe, but Mulder was sure that he didn't tell the whole story on purpose. If he hadn't heard that vision, would he be alive right now? Or was he more alert because he knew he would be attacked from behind? But that wasn't right. The killer was poised over him with a knife ready to strike when Scully arrived. Maybe it wasn't him at all that changed his future. Could it be a coincidence that Scully got the wrong elevator? She was there with him, she heard the vision. Perhaps she had unconsciously come to his aid when she saw Haves dead. Unless, of course, he was really destined to die of autoerotic asphyxiation. He could see Scully roll her eyes at him at this last thought. Mulder smiled. No matter what, he could count on Scully to bring him back to reality, or the closest he could get to it. Mulder looked around his office and sighed. He had been sitting in the dark for a couple of hours letting his mind wander over the case, Bruckman, and his talent. All the talk about death and the future had made him more reflective. It was almost unconceivable to him that someone would have the power to foresee the way people were going to die and not do anything to prevent it. Maybe that was exactly the reason someone like him didn't have this gift. He'd never be able to hold back. He'd try again and again to change it, no matter how futile his attempts would be. Shaking his head, Mulder stood up to leave. It was late and he needed to head home and try to distract himself from his musings. He needed a beer that night. For a few seconds he contemplated the idea of calling Scully to join him, but he knew she wouldn't come. She had left earlier that day saying she needed to buy a few things for Queequeg. Yes, she named the dog Queequeg. And he had heard enough of the little beast already to last him a lifetime. The fondness in her voice when she talked about him was a bit irritating, too. She knew him for what, two days? As if it was enough time to tell you a dog was all that smart. Was it too pathetic that he had been insanely jealous of a dog for the past two days? Next, he was going to start competing for her attention. He looked at his watch. It wasn't so late. Maybe he could pay her a visit. Show the dog he wasn't afraid of him. He had been in her life for a long time, after all. There was no need to get territorial. With much more confidence, Mulder walked out of his office with every intention of showing Queequeg his place. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Standing outside Scully's door, Mulder questioned the wisdom of being there. He was feeling a bit ridiculous. All of that disappeared from his mind when he heard his partner talking with the dog. She actually laughed at something the monster did. He made a face, and knocked. He wasn't prepared, though, for the way Scully looked as she stood in the open doorway. Her eyes were alight with laughter, and a gentle smile still played on her lips. Her cheeks were a little flustered from mirth, and her hair was mussed. "Hi, Mulder." For a few moments he only gazed at her, drinking in the sight in front of him. He couldn't recall seeing Scully so carefree before. It was breathtaking. A bark broke the spell; a high- pitched and annoying bark. "Come on in," Scully said stepping aside for him to enter. Her dog wasn't so welcoming, though. "Stop it, Queequeg!" The dog stopped barking, but still looked menacingly at him. Mulder followed Scully to the living room and they sat on the couch. Immediately Queequeg jumped on Scully's lap, and after making himself comfortable, looked over at Mulder, and he could swear the dog was gloating at him. Okay, Queequeg 1, Mulder 0. "Something happened?" "No, not at all. I just need company for a beer." Scully lifted an eyebrow at him, and he felt compelled to elaborate. "I was just thinking about Bruckman and his gift. His attitude, or lack thereof, regarding the future..." "You have been thinking a lot about it, haven't you? I noticed you've been a bit distracted since the end of the case." Mulder shrugged. "I always think a lot. And the subject fascinates me. Why some people have this gift and others don't. How it manifests, how it feels. While I was thinking, I came to the conclusion that I'd try so hard to stop the future from happening that it's a good thing I don't have it. I wouldn't be able to sit back and watch." Scully smiled softly at him, and put a hand on his arm. "You're a good person, Mulder." His head was shaking but his eyes were fixed on the hand resting on his arm. "You are. And you don't give yourself enough credit," Scully continued. Surprised, he looked up. She was still smiling, and he could see the fondness in her eyes. Take that Queequeg. He updated to score to Mulder 1, Queequeg 1. "And how much credit would you give me?" She rolled her eyes, and stood up, lifting the dog from her lap. Damn his big mouth. "I'm not sure if I have beer. Would wine do?" "Sure." At least she wasn't throwing him out. Queequeg gave him a nasty look before following his mistress. She came back a few minutes later with an open bottle of wine and two glasses. "I gave it some thought, too." He looked at her, and was prepared to tease her, when she continued, "Don't say it." She sat down, and poured the wine, handing him one glass. "I'm not saying I believe it, but the talk about The Big Bopper, I don't know. It got me thinking about the decisions we make and how they affect our lives." "What would you change, if you could?" She took a sip from her wine before replying, "That's just it, Mulder. I came to the conclusion I wouldn't." Mulder didn't know what to say to that. He thought back to everything Scully had suffered in the past three years alone, and to think she wouldn't change anything was absurd to him. His first thought was of Melissa. Only a short time ago, she lost her sister. How could she say she wouldn't try to prevent that? He didn't dare voice his thoughts, though. "Don't look at me like that, Mulder. I have no guarantees that changing something I did would do me, or anyone else for that matter, any good. It could go both ways. And I also concluded that if I kept thinking about the past and what could have been, I wouldn't be living the present." Her voice was soft but he could hear the emotion in it. He knew in that moment that she was thinking about her sister, and he longed to see the carefree Scully back. Maybe the dog wasn't so bad after all. Without thinking he pulled her to him, and to his surprise she came willingly. They were quiet for a few moments, and then he felt it. Moisture on his shirt, and the trembling in Scully's shoulders. In the past few months since Melissa's death Scully had closed herself off and hid her grief from him. If he didn't know her so well, he'd have believed the facade she was presenting to the rest of the world. He also knew the case had affected her. He couldn't quite understand what it was, but he saw the connection between his partner and Bruckman. Mulder knew that sooner or later, she'd need to let out all the pain she was holding inside. He just didn't know she'd let him see it, and help her. It was a humbling experience and he was grateful for the gift she had just given him, maybe without even realizing it. He heard her sigh, and knew she was going to pull back soon. Knowing it didn't prevent the loss he felt when she actually left his side, though. Looking at her hands, she said, "I'm sorry, Mulder. You came here to..." Mulder cupped her cheeks, encouraging her to look at him, and interrupting her words. "Shhh. Please, Scully. Don't apologize." Her eyes welled up again at the sincerity and intensity in his gaze, but she held back the tears. Instead she embraced him tightly and thanked him in a whisper. "Anytime, Scully." She moved away from him and seemed in a better mood, which reminded him, "Where is Queequeg?" Scully smiled at him. "I saw the way you two were eying each other and told him to stay in the kitchen." Mulder didn't know what to say to that, except "Oh." She seemed amused by his discomfort. "I can't pretend it wasn't funny." He looked everywhere but at her, and apparently his reaction caught her attention, because next she asked him, this time her voice more serious. "What is bothering you, Mulder?" It was bad enough to be jealous of a dog, Mulder didn't need Scully finding out just how jealous he was. He decided that he needed to scape and fast. "Nothing, Scully." He forced a laugh, and stood up. "It's getting late, I should be going." Scully stood up and took his hand in hers. "What is it?" Her voice was soft and her eyes searched his. Mulder's eyes dropped briefly to her lips before he could stop himself, but it was enough for her to catch it. When his eyes turned back to hers he knew he had been busted. There was a look in her eyes he had never seen before, the hand holding his relaxed its grip, and she seemed frozen in place. Before he could do any more damage, Mulder left Scully's apartment. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Scully didn't move for a few moments. The longing she saw in Mulder's eyes had caught her completely off guard. She could understand that Mulder at some point would think of her as a woman. It was natural, they were close, and attracted to each other. What she saw however was not something filled by lust, it was deeper, and she couldn't help but be a bit scared by it. She couldn't deny that she had fantasized about Mulder. More than she cared to admit. But she didn't know if it was anything but attraction. Could it be? She didn't know what to think or how to classify her feelings for her partner any longer. She needed to think. What did Mulder mean, really mean, to her? Because she knew him enough to imagine how he was feeling, it tore at her to think Mulder left her apartment feeling rejected and guilty for his slip- up. She never wanted to cause her partner any more pain. He had suffered enough in his life. Even so, she couldn't go after him to talk about it. Not before she understood what she really felt for him. Sighing, she went to the kitchen and put the glasses in the dishwasher. Queequeg was curled up on himself sleeping. She smiled fondly at her new companion. She couldn't keep her thoughts away from Mulder, though. She remembered the way he looked at the dog when he saw him jump on her lap. He looked jealous. She shook her head at the thought. At the same time she felt a wave of tenderness for her partner. Did he really felt threatened by Queequeg? A memory, of Mulder trying not to roll his eyes when she told him how well the dog was adapting, flashed in her mind, and she knew she was right. Scully went to her bedroom knowing that that night would be restless. She knew she wouldn't be able to put aside the matter and would think about it over and over again. Mulder was one of the most important people in her life, and she never wanted to hurt him, but she also knew that she owed it to him to be honest about her feelings. If she only knew how to name them anymore. If she had been asked that question a few hours prior, she would say it was deep caring, and friendship. Now she wasn't so sure. That look stirred something in her, something powerful, hungry, and overwhelming. Was that feeling worth risking her partnership and friendship with Mulder? If it was love she could see herself crossing that line, but if it was lust... No, she wouldn't do anything before she knew for sure. She only hoped that she would figure it out soon. As she predicted, she barely slept that night and every time she closed her eyes she saw Mulder's face just before he turned to leave her apartment. While she got ready for work, Scully knew that the day ahead was going to be hard. She could almost see it. Mulder would act as if nothing happened, but he wouldn't be able to conceal the hurt from his eyes. Not from her. It was going to be a painful day for both of them. Her heart was beating fast when she reached the Hoover Building. Her hands were sweating in anticipation as she took the elevator to the basement. She had to stop for a moment outside the door before going in. She knew Mulder would already be there, knew he had slept as poorly as she had. If he had slept at all. Being right sometimes could be much worse than being wrong. Mulder didn't acknowledge her presence at first; he seemed completely absorbed in the sheet of paper he was reading. Scully knew better. They had always been tuned to each other presence. "Good morning, Mulder." He looked up at her, and Scully felt her heart constrict at the sight of him. He was hurting, although he was doing all he could to conceal it. She had to fight herself to not go there and envelop him in her arms. The urge was so strong that she took a step towards him. She stopped however when she saw him flinch. It was barely noticeable, but there nonetheless. "Morning." The forced cheerfulness in his voice only fueled her own pain. It was going to be a long day. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx It turned out to be a long week. By Friday, Mulder was almost himself again, except for the lack of innuendos and leers. Scully missed it. She never thought she would miss it, but she did. She was still unsure about her feelings. Too afraid to take a wrong step, she kept arguing with herself and not reaching any conclusions. That changed the moment Bonnie Stevens walked into their office. Bonnie worked in the lab, and sometimes stopped by to bring results of their investigations. Scully had noticed that for the past couple of months, she had been to the basement much more often. Until that moment, Scully hadn't thought anything of it, but when she saw Bonnie walk purposefully to Mulder's desk, she understood exactly what Bonnie was trying to accomplish. Scully watched as Bonnie handed Mulder some papers, and flirted outrageously with him. A possessiveness she never knew she had overwhelmed her. She had felt a little jealous of Mulder before, but she had always justified it as something else, and it had never been to this extent. For the first time she was thinking of Mulder as hers and hers alone. The mere idea of another woman trying to steal him away was making her blood boil. Mulder looked a little uncomfortable, in her opinion. Seeing that he wasn't that impressed by Bonnie's attentions, Scully took a deep breath, and tried to remain calm. She turned back to her computer, keeping an ear on their conversation, until the moment Bonnie made her move. She actually had the nerve to ask him to dinner. Scully looked up in time to see Mulder's eyes turn briefly to hers. She saw a flash of resignation in them, and she knew what his answer would be. "Sure. I'll give you a call." Her heart dropped, and she bit her lip to keep from screaming. Seeing the smug smile on Bonnie's face and the spring on her step as she left the office was not helping matters. Scully turned to her partner to see him looking at the wall, seeming lost in thoughts. He was really considering calling that... woman. What the hell was he thinking? She looked down as if willing the papers in front of her to tell her what to do now. Scully didn't need any more proof that she was indeed in love with her partner. The fear of losing him, the knowledge that he accepted Bonnie's invitation because he thought she didn't want him, the urge to jump at Bonnie's throat, and more importantly the need to have him at her side, in her life, all of those feelings made one thing very clear. She couldn't lose him. She wouldn't. Determined to make Mulder understand, she looked back at him to see him observing her with a furrow in his brows, and a look of confusion on his face. "What do you mean?" It was Scully turn to be confused. "Excuse me?" "You asked me what the hell was I thinking. Why are you asking me this?" Damn. She tried to think of something to say. It was not the best moment or place to start this conversation. She heard him sigh, and saw him shake his head, before going back to his work. That wouldn't do. She'd left him thinking once before that she didn't want him. She wasn't about to do it again. "Mulder, I need to talk to you." "Go ahead." But he was still reading the reports Bonnie brought to him. She knew what he was doing. Trying to protect himself. He didn't believe he would like anything she was going to say. "Mulder, please, look at me." His eyes found hers, and instead of hurt she saw something else. Something she wasn't expecting, but knew she deserved. Anger. "What?" "Can we go someplace else?" "I'm busy. I have a lot of paperwork to do before going home." "Very well." Scully stood up and went to the door, closing and locking it. "Why are you locking the door?" His voice was as incredulous as his face. "Just to make sure no one will barge in while we're talking." He let out a frustrated sigh, and crossed his arms, leaning back on his chair. "Okay then, talk." Scully was starting to feel frustrated herself. It was hard enough to have to say what she intended. He wasn't making it any easier on her. "I wanted to talk about what happened on Monday." Mulder looked away, then back at her. "Well, I don't. Now can we go back to work?" "No. We have to talk about it, Mulder." "There is nothing to talk about. I got the message loud and clear. It won't happen again, if that's what you're worried about." "I'm not worried about anything. I want to explain..." "Don't. Please, Scully. Don't explain." He collected his jacket, and stood up to leave. By then Scully had had enough. She walked around his desk and stood in front of him. "You'll sit down and listen to me, Mulder." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mulder looked over at the door, trying to decide if it was wise to ignore her or not, when he felt a tug on his tie. The next thing he knew Scully's lips were on his. Stunned by his partner's actions, it took him a moment for his brain to register what was happening. Then he was kissing her back with all the hunger and longing he had. He briefly wondered if they shouldn't stop the kiss and talk, but when he felt Scully pulling at his shirt, the only thing that mattered was helping her get rid of it. Without breaking the kiss, Mulder lifted Scully until she was sitting at the edge of his desk. She managed to open the buttons of his shirt and was running her hands all over his chest and back. The feel of her hands on his skin was making it hard to breathe. His lips left hers, and traveled across her face, neck and collarbone, while his hands were busy with Scully's shirt. She was so soft and warm. "What's happening here, Scully?" he whispered in her ear, nibbling the lobe softly. "What should have happened on Monday." He pulled back a little to look at her eyes. Her heavy lidded eyes filled with lust. For him. He groaned and kissed her again. Scully made short work of his pants and boxers, letting them pool at his feet. Pushing him back into his chair, she stood up and let her skirt fall. She stepped out of it, toeing off her shoes. The enormity of the situation hit Mulder harder than a ton of bricks as he gazed at an almost naked Scully. It was really happening. This wasn't one of his fantasies. Mulder pulled her to him and leaned his head on her stomach. Letting it sink in, her hands found their way to his hair, as he breathed her in. Turning his head, he kissed her navel reverently. Much more slowly this time, taking his time to taste, and feel. To make memories of it, even if the environment wasn't the most comfortable or appropriate. That office was however the only place that belonged to both of them, and in a warped sort of way, it made sense their first time was happening there. He nuzzled her breasts as he took off her bra. His lips latched on her right breast and he felt her knees buckle. He tightened his grip on her waist for a moment, before slowly lowering her pants. His hands lazily caressed her thighs, hips, waist, and back again. Mapping her body with his fingers, before urging her to straddle him. Scully gasped at the contact of his skin on hers. They looked at each other, as Scully lifted herself, just enough to bring him to her entrance. Slowly, using his shoulders as leverage, she descended on him. When he was completely buried in her, she let her head fall to his chest, breathing hard, and they stopped again to become accustomed to the feeling of being so close to each other. She lifted her face to his and their lips found each others again. As their kisses became more heated, Scully started to move above him. She broke the kiss and touched her forehead to his, as they made love to each other. One of his hands played with her nipples, while the other found its way to her clit. At the feel of his fingers on her, she moaned and threw her head back. As their movements became faster and more erratic, a whirlwind of sensations encompassed both of them. Scully came first, clutching Mulder's arms, a silent shout on her lips. The sight, and feel of Scully's orgasm was enough to bring him to his own. They held one another as they caught their breaths. Mulder leaned back on his chair, cuddling Scully to him. She went willingly, a small smile on her lips. Mulder's insecurities crept up on him as soon as the bliss of their lovemaking started to fade. "Scully, what does this mean?" Leaning back, she looked into his eyes trying to convey all her feelings for him. "It means that I love you. It means that I was too afraid to acknowledge it before, but the thought of losing you made it clear to me." Mulder looked at her awestruck. "You love me?" "I do," she said, kissing him tenderly. As they broke the kiss, he grinned back at her. "I love you, too." She caressed his cheek, absorbing his happiness. She didn't remember having ever seen him this alive before. "Let's wrap things up here, and go back to my place. We can order some dinner..." "Dessert?" She laughed at his hopeful face. "If you behave." He looked at her with the most innocent eyes. "You don't think Queequeg will mind?" "Well he'll have to get used to you, won't he?" "You tell me." His voice became suddenly serious. She took his face in her hands, and locked her eyes with his. "Yes, he will. This is not a fling to me, Mulder. The only reason it took me so long to come to terms with my feelings was the fear of risking what we have. I'd never put our partnership and friendship in jeopardy if I wasn't sure of my feelings. You're too important to me. I meant it when I said that I love you." He kissed her when he couldn't find words to express what he felt at her words. The kiss held such passion, affection, and devotion, it made her fall in love a little deeper with her partner. Scully pulled back from him, and stood up. "Come on, Mulder. We have a whole weekend to make Queequeg like you." "What if he doesn't?" She smiled at him, and winked. "We'll just have to keep trying." Mulder smugly thought to himself, 'poor Queequeg.'